Friday, May 27, 2011


What a crazy ride its been so far. Less than a year has passed since the day I walked that very stage with a beaming grin, anxious to get out of that dreary establishment as quickly and quietly as possible. And there I was, just the other day, standing on the same field that I once mingled upon, only this this, I felt even more like an outsider - as if that was even possible. Yet in a sense, it was a comforting experience as well. Old faces surrounded me and provided a feeling of familiarity, while at the same time bringing me back down to earth. The mixing of two starkly different states of being was indeed quite unique.

I sent my siblings a message last night, letting them know how my studies have gone so far, with hopes that they would lend a proverbial hand or two to me in paving my future paths. They have not yet replied, which is perfectly understandable; my brother is vacationing in New York, while my sister has just returned home from her honeymoon. An aunt and uncle of mine are visiting from Vietnam, and my sister-in-law's sister gave birth the other night. My family is swelling with activity, yet morning in and morning out, I remain idle, only able to express myself through these meager words. I am not sure what I should do anymore.

I am missing a conduit.

It's time to climb this pyramid.

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