Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just don't feel the same.

I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I know I shouldn't, but fuck, it's been so long already and for some reason, you're still just there, in my mind. Makes no sense whatsoever, right? I'm not quite sure what's going on in this head of mine anymore. I already know that it's over and that there's no way in the nine or seven or however many levels of hell there are that we could possibly work things out, so why am I still thinking about it? Who knows. I guess the past eight months or so of being antisocial is starting to catch up to me; although my accomplishments are numerous, my shortcomings far overshadow whatever success I've achieved lately, or at least I think so. The ironic thing is that nobody thinks I'm inadequate except...well, me.

But whatever, fuck it, it's nearly summer. And yes, I've said "fuck" twice already in this blog entry. I don't usually curse, at least not in my blog, but what good is having a little piece of canvas to write upon if one can't truly let his or her emotions out? Fuck, fuck, fuck. I am pretty excited, not gonna lie. Summer is a time to be artsy, and I've already got some projects in mind and new horizons to chase. The grind is great, but the same ol' same ol' just ain't doing it for me anymore. It's time for something new. It's time, now.

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