Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Slight Work.

Finally got around to installing a couple of things for my baby.
With the help of my buddy Vikram, my HIDs were successfully installed a few days before the new year. I'm really pleased with the color as well as the light output, and I'm definitely glad that I went with 5000K rather than 6000K. About a week later, I finally got around to installing the intake, and after a few hours and an extra set of helping hands from my dad, the car was up-and-running and sounding meaner than ever, with a low, deep growl emitting every time I open up the throttle. Not to mention that it looks kinda nice, too; my mom walked by the garage as my dad and I were working on the car, pointed to the intake, and asked, "What is that? It looks pretty."

I've got a whole lot of plans for her in the future, but for now, I'm rather content with the work I've put in ever since I picked her up nearly a year and a half ago. Yet for some reason, despite all the time I've invested in her lately (I spent nearly two hours washing her last week and was late to picking up my friend), I haven't felt the desire or urge to drive fast anymore. I went up to the hills a few nights ago after work; my parents had once again gone to a party, and it seemed as if everyone was having fun doing their own thing. I just wanted a little "me" time, and normally, this would have involved double-clutching, rev-matching, kicking her into a lower gear and letting her roar as I rip through the corners and curves. That night, though, I just couldn't get into it.

I don't know what's going on. Why put all this time and effort into something if you fail to benefit from it? But maybe there's more to it. And I know I said that 2012 would be "my" year, and as much as I'm trying not to be a debbie downer, something has been different lately. I'll be fine; just give me a few moments to get used to all of these changes.

-Off to class

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