Thursday, January 28, 2010

goin' out like gangstas

Gotta pay homage to Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff.

I missed out on about half of tonight's episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-air, but that's alright! Besides, I have seasons 1-4 on DVD (:<

Monday treated me surprisingly well this week, and upon arriving at school I noticed that everyone was in high spirits, including myself, which I find odd, seeing as how I only managed to accumulate around 15 hours of sleep over the course of the entire weekend. Something was definitely in the air at school that day, as there was a little something-something in each and every class that added to my smile. I finally gave Brandon back his pencil which I've been hanging on to since finals week in third period. Sorry buddy! Kelli and I spent the period mouthing words to each other from across the room, and apparently Brandon (who sits in between Kelli and I) thought I was staring at him oddly, oblivious to the fact that an entire conversation was passing right by his ears the whole time. No Brandon, I don't want you like that!

As I got home, I was greeted by a Wingstop box, only to find that it was filled with fried rice. I didn't mind, though, as I have to admit, that was some of the best damn fried rice I've ever had. Miraculously, I managed to finish my homework in about half an hour's time and had the rest of the afternoon to myself, a much needed break, accompanied by my favorite episode of Spongebob ever: Squidville!

As I had nothing to do really for the five hours that I was home alone, I decided to take a rather long nap, waking up just in time for 24, which is starting to get a little bit better. My nap would be the downfall of me, however, as I ended up not crawling into bed until around 3AM, and boy, did I feel dead that Tuesday morning on the way to school. Thankfully, nothing was on the agenda for two of my early classes except a video, so I had some time to doze off. Kelli texted me right before the start of lunch and asked if she could drag me along to her key club meeting. Needless to say, I felt out of place as soon as I stepped in, but it was cool! Kelli and Danielle kept me company for awhile. I love our talks!

School ended, and I walked out into the bus loading zone, and who do I see? KELLI! Kelli, if you're reading this, it must be your week, because you've popped up somewhere every day this week, haha. We chatted for a bit until she left, and as I was waiting for my ride, a random girl came up and said to me, "I'm your biggest fan!" I'll follow you until you love me, papa, paparazzi! Just kidding about the paparazzi part, but she really did tell me that she was my biggest fan, which left me both beaming with happiness and a little dumbfounded at the same time. I really do appreciate the little comments that I get from people regarding my music, though, even if I may not show it all the time. It's what keeps me going, plain and simple. Oh, and I did I mention that this girl's name is Kelly with a Y?! Okay, so not a totally random girl; we've seen each other around school and we know each other's names, we've just never formally met each other. Kinda odd, but thanks again!

Wednesday was by far the most exhausting day of the week so far. Not only was I running on about 3 hours of sleep, but I also didn't find any time at all to nap in the afternoon, which really left me drained for the rest of the night. Not much happened, other than a surprise visit and a disappointingly boring episode of American Idol, followed by much adieu about nothing.

It's not often that I say goodnight to my computer this early, but I'm just about ready to call it a night. After the past two days of walking around campus half-dead, it'd be nice to feel alive again. Goodnight, Blogspot!

Here's to Thursday.

P.S. This song has somewhat of a deeper intrinsic meaning to me. I'll explain later. Night!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Just Want You

I've been captivated by this song lately, it seems.


thanks for the company!

And lastly,

check out my latest video!

Goodnight (:

Carbon Copies

quiatchon GOES: anyways
quiatchon GOES: how are you

^ Haha! Leave it to him to blurt that out of nowhere. More like Quiatchon BLOWS, am I right?! Just kidding. Truth be told, Quiatchon is one of the very few people who I can take personal jokes from, at least when it comes to jokes about my love life.

We had a chance to talk tonight after a really long while, which really helped to relieve a lot of my stress. I'm disappointed that we haven't been able to connect much lately, but I don't quite blame him, because I know that between school, work, running the bboy club, and his girlfriend, he's got a full plate. Speaking of full plates!: I believe the last time we really talked was about 5 weeks ago, because I can still remember enjoying a plate full of hot rice, spam, and eggs while having Jackie on speakerphone listening to us chomp and dab our food (well, my food) at midnight the last time I was at his house. Good stuff!

This past weekend was a pretty hectic one. Being deprived of sleep the night before, I decided to take a nap on Friday afternoon, one which I didn't end up awakening from until 9P.M. From there on out, I worked on my new video until around 3A.M., when a friend of mine IM'd me because she couldn't sleep. By the time we finished talking, the sun had already risen, and I decided to just stay up for the remainder of the day and treated myself out to a pair of McGriddles and hash browns from McDonald's. Most of the day consisted of just lounging around the house, save for my piano lesson - which went terrible, by the way, as I was falling asleep at the keys - and grocery shopping at Target. At around 6P.M., I laid down and closed my eyes for a second, which soon turned into an hour. At 7:30, I awoke again, and the party that my parents were having was in full swing; so much, in fact, that they didn't sleep until 4:30A.M., and I followed suit soon after at 5 in the morn'. I awoke today at about 4:17P.M., much later than I typically do on Sundays, but I'm not complaining: I got both my homework and my workout routine done today despite my late start. Thank goodness!

I have to admit that it's been a rough month and a half, and I'm still adjusting to this new lifestyle of mine. For so long, I had been tied down, so to speak, but I'm slowly re-learning what it means to be a free spirit again. It gets rough, and at times, I even lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel, but I'd be a liar if I said that I'm not having my fair share of fun as well. As of now, my eyelids are beginning to wear heavy on me, and while I wish I could continue blogging, I simply must get some sleep. Until the next time, fellow Blogspot. Here's to today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Remember that little checklist I made at the start of Christmas break? Well, here's what I did and didn't manage to do...

To-Do list:
[x]Christmas shopping
[x somewhat]Work out
[x]Video blog about Winterfest/Christmas/vacation
[]Plans with Anna & Jesska
[this makes me sad]Chill with Tia and Ron, HOOT O_O
[]Yogurtland/In-n-Out at least once with Kathryn and/or Mae
[]Get a peacoat
[]Visit Quiatchon at work and get another caramel coconut smoothie
[]Cajun Grill, one more time
[x]Super T with David Lam
[]Visit Bryan at work, get hookups on yogurt, observe cute coworker
[x]Post a new piano video
[x]Beat Twilight Princess, start replaying Wind Waker
[]Learn "Love Story" for my cousin
[SOON (:]Subscribe to *** on Youtube
[x]Take a picture for Lookbook
[]Go to Christmas in the Park!

Things to bring to SoCal:
[x]Hella clothes!
[x]Two+ pairs of shoes
[x]Hair products
[x]Two+ pairs of jeans
[x]One pair of shorts
[]Retainer cleaner
[x]Backpack/school stuff
[]Video camera
[x]CHIMPY (my stuffed monkey)
[x]Driver's license/wallet
[x]Presents for everybody (:

Well, as you can see, a lot of my plans for the break fell through ): But at least I managed to bring almost everything on my list! I overpacked so much, and most of the time I just wore my SCHS Senior C/O 2010 sweater over a white tee and jeans. So much for bringing hella clothes! I didn't get to chill with as many people as I would have liked, although I did have a CRAZY day with David, which involved super giant burritos, visiting LBB, watching Karate Kid II, an encounter with undercover cops, the longest poker game ever, pissing in front of the gate at my school, eating pho at 1AM, and much more. I would blog about it, but my eyes are about to shut at any moment now, so next time!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dear Blogspot

I miss you dearly! I'm sorry I haven't been writing to you as much as I have been before, but I've just been really busy, being a bee and collecting my pollen. I hope you understand, and I also hope you know that I haven't forgotten about you! I have big plans for you soon, but they're going to have to wait just a little bit longer. Oh, and I also hope that you're not jealous of your cousin Tumblr, because while I may post quite often over there, I still consider you the main domain for anything and everything that represents me and who I am, and that's something that'll never change. So put on your gear, dig deep down, and hang on tight, because I'm coming back soon! Until then, take it easy.
