Saturday, October 30, 2010


Yes, I'm alive. It's not often that I go for more than a week without blogging! School and work has been pretty hectic this week, but at least I'm making grades and getting paid. Thankfully, next week's schedule looks to be much easier.

Anyway, nothing new. Words don't come easy without a melody. Maybe soon, though!

In a few.

Friday, October 22, 2010

"And they say when you're looking for gold, simply start by putting yourself in the place where gold is."

It's a start.

Different Stars.

I'm not tall, dark, and handsome. My chest isn't chiseled and the only six-pack I'll ever get in my life will probably be a six-pack of beer. I express myself in prose rather than posture and symphonies instead of sex appeal, because everyone knows that sex sells but only a handful of people are capable of looking through my outer walls and seeing the splendor that is swelling up within my soul. I see young women, pretty faces blessed with charm and beauty and grace but clueless as to how to properly use them, and I think to myself, "What a shame". If only some knight in shining armor would come and sweep them all off their feet. But the truth is, this knight would only be labeled as one of two things: a player or a bore and no matter what name he would be given, his chances would be shot. And in this hasty, foolish, impractical chase for perfection is where we as romantic beings forever linger, not even once giving a thought to the wonders that lay right before our feet.

We all have the power to change. The irony lies in the fact that we choose not to. For now, I'll keep on chasing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Hi, welcome to Pinkberry!"

So a group of 4 people came into the store tonight and the "leader of the pack", so-to-speak, asked for a sample of each flavor for each person. That's 24 samples total. Halfway through filling up all the sample cups that they asked for (Richard was helping me, too), I turned around to see them laughing amongst each other.

"I really have to hand it to you guys, you guys have a great sense of humor! I was just kidding about the samples, but you guys actually thought we were serious and went to go get them for us!"

I really hatelove my job sometimes, hahah.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

You're It.

The sweetest.

The whole concept of "starting over" scares me to death, no lie. I envy anyone who is fortunate and blessed enough to still be with their childhood loves today, or even just their high school sweethearts. I feel really old right now, haha. But seriously, cherish it if you've got it.

On one hand, there are people out there who would call me out for this and who can't grasp that just because there were never any labels attached doesn't mean that it wasn't real. On the other hand, there are people out there who would say that I'm too good for it and that I should just be done with it already. I believe that, trust me; just half an hour on Friday evening was proof enough.

I don't know, though. It just doesn't quite feel right, being almost a month into college and not having much to look back at and smile upon. What am I saying? This is such a "glass is empty" approach to life. I've got years and years ahead of me to climb all the mountains and go on all the picnics. Maybe I'm scared of falling. Or running out of food. Damn, it'd be terrible to run out of food!

Well, I'm hungry now, and it's 4:54 A.M. I have no idea why I'm still awake, but the Packers game is in 5 hours, so I suppose I should rest now. That big pile of math homework can wait, I need mah sleep. Night.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I done goofed. Once. Okay, twice. Alright, maybe more times than I can count, but you know what they say: slow and steady wins the race, or at least I hope so.

My hands grasp. My stomach churns. My lips part, but no words come out, and its only long after the moment that my nerves finally start to calm. What a waste of energy! I try to channel this aggression into something else for the time being, but its not nearly as effective as it would have been if I had used it properly.

There's always next time, right? I can't help but feel as if I'm limited by some imaginary time constraint. It's a learning process, though, and I'm learning every day. Hi, I'm Mikey, and I like friendly people and eating eggs. I sneeze like a horse and I'm superstitious about picking which pair of boxers I should wear. There, that wasn't so difficult.

But no, I done goofed, and instead of smiling eyes and sweet nothings, my weekend will be consumed by this report that I have to write on the origins and use and misuse of the word 'sodomy'. Well, it's not all bad; the meet and greet for work is tomorrow night. Unfortunately, that also means that I'll miss homecoming, but maybe I'll make it up by going to the dance. Maybe.

For now, today is just another typical Thursday...for now. Goodnight!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Gonna Get This.

After a pretty epic weekend, I've come to realize two things:

1.) Never wear nice shoes to work.
2.) I still got it.

P.S. It's Monday!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Three out of four days of the school week, I sit in the same wooden chair at the same wooden table facing the same direction: towards the window. Wobbly at its feet, the chair still serves its purpose well; covered with scratches, the table does the same. I sip my drink of choice and stop to look around for a while before returning to my work, but not before taking note of who is around me and what they are doing.

I will admit that I've grown rather envious of these lovely couples that enter my sphere of contact on a daily basis. How do they do it? I could have sworn that chivalry died a long time ago. Perhaps its not manifesting itself in the right way. Perhaps its not manifesting in me at all. Maybe it's something I'm doing, or something I'm not doing. I can't afford to be an Eleanor Rigby, but I also can't afford to become too distracted.

Let's see what tomorrow brings. I think I should bring a sweater this time; it sure does get cold.

In a few.

Monday, October 4, 2010

11:31 a.m.

Apparently, alarm clocks and phone calls don't work on me.

Other than that, life has been swell! It's almost sweater weather/Starbucks season :)