Saturday, February 5, 2011

Green and Yellow

You know what it do.

Friday, February 4, 2011

4:38 a.m.

Guess I'm sleeping in today.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

easily distracted

Because Bruno Mars is able to sing my thoughts, he's also the one who receives all the love for it. And that right there seems to be the story of my life: a young learner, not fully a man but more than a kid, eager to get ahead in this game of smiles and glances that the guys and gals play on a daily basis. I've never really minded being a late bloomer until now, when it finally hit me just how inexperienced I am when it comes to the whole idea of courtship. My mind is constantly racing with thoughts, yet I have no idea how to express them. And in the thick of it all, someone else, some guy who is more adept and skilled at thinking on his feet comes along and says "Hi" to her first - and all I can do is watch from afar.

Girl, I'm tryin'.