That's how long I've got until King of the Hill starts. Usually they show two episodes a night, starting at 2 A.M., but for some reason there's only one episode tonight. Oh well. I swear, I think I'm the only one out of all my friends who loves this show. Everyone always seems to be really into Family Guy, which has its funny moments, especially the earlier episode, but its wayyyy too slapstick for me. To each his own, I guess.
Last night was my final night of work. No more Pinkberry! I feel a little sad about leaving, and truth be told, I really love this job, even though there are times when it makes me want to rip all my hair out, but in the end, I gotta do whats best for me. The long commute, frustrating work environment, and low pay simply aren't cutting it anymore. I think I'll take this time to enjoy life at my leisure for a month or so, and then try to find a new job, somewhere less stressful with better pay that's closer to home. Wish me luck!
So it seems like its been forever since I've written one of these kinds of blogs, if you know what I mean. Why am I sitting here typing this right now? Who knows. I've been staying up late for the past several weeks, just reminiscing on times past. I never thought life after high school would change me so drastically, but oh, how it has, and it's amazing really how having somebody to adore and cherish in your life changes your perspective on things entirely! In retrospect, I suppose that love made me act in ways that I would now consider silly or asinine, but it also brought a great deal of optimism and a sense of adventure into my life, something that I've been missing as of late. Hm.
Although finals don't officially start until next week, most of my finals will, in fact, be taking place this week, which puts some extra weight on my shoulders as I scramble to get everything done and over with. It's also a good thing though, I suppose, because my sister and her husband are coming to visit this weekend! It'll also give me a makeshift "week off" before summer quarter starts, and luckily, the first weekend after that is the Fourth of July; this year, I'll be spending it in...yup, you guessed it: Sunny Southern California! It has been far, far too long.
Speaking of SoCal, I've been dreaming a lot lately. And when I say "dreaming", I really mean "letting my mind wander and drift amongst all the possibilities", hahah. But forreals, I would absolutely love to have the chance to visit Disneyland this summer! I had wanted to go last year, but in the end, I wasn't able to find the time nor the means to take a trip down south. This year, though, I've got a pretty good feeling about things. But we'll see.
Aw man, I'm four minutes over. Time to watch some King of the Hill and eat my last shift meal from Pinkberry. Coconut is the best flavor, ever. Alright, late!