Such a funny word. I wonder where it came from.
Lately I've become more and more forgetful. It's escalated to the point where I've had to resort to writing down blurbs on a Post-it note in a vain attempt to remind myself some of the things which I'd like to express through this ol' blog of mine, but what good does that do if I can't remember what the blurbs mean?
I do remember one topic very clearly, however, and that is friendship. Rewind a little bit, two years earlier. I was a younger person back then, not quite a man...not even a young man, come to think of it, but boy, was I high off life. Something in the air had me sprung, and between exploring the intrigue of alcohol and hauling my ass back to school every day at 5P.M. just to see her after practice, I had become disconnected from my family. To this day, I still replay my father's words in my head from time to time. "Friends should not be your priority," he told me. "They're here now, but what about in five years? Ten years? Where will they be? You'll go your separate ways. Your friends will come and go, but your education lasts a lifetime."
I hated those lectures with vim and vigor, despised hearing those words uttered from his lips. How could I possibly think of my friends in that manner? My father doesn't know my friends, so who is he to judge? My friends are loyal. They are the ones that will always be there for me, that truly understand me. Well, or so I thought.
Snap back to the present. Here I am, a little bit older and a little bit wiser. It's taken two years, but I've finally realized that father knows best; after all this time, he was right. I stand now in a pool of confusion and oppression; as much as it pains me to say this, my so-called "friends", the very people I spend my break and lunch with on a daily basis at school, are simply not cut from the same mold as I. We share few interests, and satisfying conversations are few and far between. Our lifestyles have grown apart, as well as our emotions and morals. As it stands today, I have little to gain from sticking with these guys, and truth be told, the only reason I am still around is because I have nobody else to run to. There are only two months left of school, not nearly enough time for me to replace and rebuild two years worth of friendships.
Perhaps one day, I'll finally be able to find comfort in the presence of others, but for now, the grind is my best friend. Two more months of school remain. As my grades rise, so do my spirits. Two more months, Mikey. You're almost home now. Let's get down to business.
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