Monday, November 30, 2009
This Thanksgiving was the quietest Thanksgiving by far for me, in more ways than one. Still, the food was nice and seeing my family come together again is always a plus. I only pray that things will begin to liven up soon; Lord knows the silence kills me more than any words can.
Unfortunately, I put on about 5 pounds over the course of my Thanksgiving break, and being the paranoid individual that I am, I'm going to bed tonight with nothing but water in my stomach. My goal for this week? Get fit, get a haircut, and keep on chugging along as I try to figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.
Star Wars Episode V is a good movie. I'm disappointed that the Steelers lost tonight, but good effort. I'm hoping the Patriots will win tomorrow, and the Packers next Monday. I don't know when I'm scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed. My mom owes me $5, but she said she'll pay me back $20. There are so many things I want to do and see before the year is over. Most of all, though, I want to feel like this again:
Miss Independent...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I really do not know what I was trying to accomplish with my previous blog post. I suppose it was a bleak attempt at relieving my stress and trying to rationalize and justify these insecure feelings of mine, but truth is, I've known what was wrong all along.
I just miss you. That's all there really is too it. I know it's the holiday season, and you're spending a lot of quality time with your family, and for that, I'm happy for you. I love my family, and I know I would want to spend as much time with them as I possibly can. I don't blame you, nor am I asking you to stop enjoying your time with them, but when it comes right down to it, the fact that we haven't had much time for each other lately has been driving me insane. I miss your goodmorning/goodnight texts, your little jokes and stories that you would always tell me, the way that you would always talk to me with so much enthusiasm. You were the only one who really showed a genuine, heartfelt interest in me, and I can't fathom what life would be like without you.
I know it may seem like it, but I'm not asking for much. I'm not asking for you to spend 24/7, 365 talking to me, being with me, telling me that you miss me. I may complain about you not texting back, and I may constantly wonder where you are, who you're with, asking about other guys, afraid that you'll fall for someone new, but in the end, I'm not asking you to change. I'm not asking you to cater to my needs. No, I just want you to understand that the things I do both for and to you are all done out of love.
Of course, I do have needs, and so do you. After all, we're only human. And to be honest? No. No, you don't fulfill my needs. Not as much as I'd like you to, although during the times when you do try to, it is always more than enough. But that's beside the point, and all selfishness aside, I hope you know that I am always trying, willing and able to do anything and everything in my power to cater to your needs, simply because ever since the day we first met, I knew that there hidden beneath your beautiful exterior was an even more beautiful heart and soul, and I would do anything to make you smile, because I truly believe you are worth it. Whether you like it or not, agree or disagree, that's the way it is.
So no matter how annoying I might get or how much I might nag and be nosy, I hope you can understand that it's simply a result of my loneliness, the emptiness that I feel when I'm without you, and not because I'm trying to push you away. No, you're the only one I'm going to be catering to, no matter how much you may dislike me at the moment. There is no one above you.
With all that off my chest, I need to get some sleep. I hope the wind has stopped scaring you, and oh,
I miss you, AJAA.
Like my iPod stuck on Replay...
Happy belated Thanksgiving! It seems I'm always behind when it comes to celebrating occasions, but then again, I've always found events much more enjoyable when you arrive fashionably late. As a matter of fact, in the past year of blogging, I don't think I've ever said "happy _____" until a day or two after it took place. Sorry guys!
I have always thought Thanksgiving to be somewhat of a pointless holiday. I have much to be thankful for, but why wait until the fourth Thursday of every November to show it? To me, nothing is guaranteed. The house I live in, the shoes I wear, all of these worldly possessions of mine may be gone tomorrow, as far as I know. My spirit is imbued with passion, and although my life my boggle and slow at times, my heart is never idle. I've done my best to show, every day, that I am thankful for the things I have been blessed with, whether it's as simple as a ride home from school to something as warm as your beautiful brown eyes (assuming you're using clear contacts and/or glasses).
Yet on a day when the entire world decides to take the time to show their gratitude, why is it that I cannot bring myself to do so? Why is it that I tell myself day after day that I have the entire world in the palm of my hand, yet I spent my Thanksgiving feeling as if I had nothing at all? Perhaps it's the lack of attention, because I admit, I love to be cared for and nurtured. Maybe it's jealousy; after all, I am human, and when I feel replaced, my natural reaction is to cry out. Or quite possibly, it may be the fact that I simply grow weary, not of just lack of attention or jealousy, anger or rage, but because of my life as a whole. I have always been one to work and strive for my goals, yet lately, I feel as if I have accomplished nothing. Days are bleak and nights are long. The world is spinning and I am standing still.
Ever since the day I was born, I was taught by my parents, siblings, and grandmother to be strong. To persevere through doubt, to push myself through the pain, that was what it was all about. And for the past...well, since as long as I can remember, I've tried doing that. I've tried, yet still, I fail. When I stand tall, the world pushes me down, and when I try to rise up, my knees begin to crumble. Even as I type this, my mind is breaking down, decomposing into a hundred macaroni-shaped pink bits of flesh and nerve that simply cannot function.
For years, I've tried to be the strong one, but even Hercules himself needs a support system once in awhile. I don't know how much longer I can carry on, but I do know that I'll continue to do my best and stay strong, for both your sake and mine. How long I can keep this up is dependent on a lot of things
2:11 A.M. : And just like that, my mind goes blank again. I'll finish this up later. I'm craving a brownie, and some milk. I'll be back tomorrow. Deuces until then.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So unfortunately, technology hasn't progressed far enough to allow me to send physical items through computer screens yet, but if it could, this is what you would have in your hands right now. My mom's coworker gave her a $50 gift card to Godiva, so she decided to buy these two boxes of delicious chocolates. These always remind me of you because I think of your dog whenever I see the name.
You're fast asleep now, and I hope you're having cool dreams about cool beans. I still have to tell you the dream that I had earlier today when I napped. I don't remember much anymore, but you were in it, and it was really weird! Well, I guess anything with you in it is really weird. Haha, just kidding. Well, not really, but I don't mind your weirdness. That's what sets you apart! You're not like everybody else in the sense that what goes on in your mind is an enigma that even the most brilliant mathematicians in the world cannot solve, much less a humble servant like myself. I can barely even solve a standard Rubik's Cube!
Hopefully you had fun texting earlier tonight, heh. It's always nice when this occassion pops up out of nowhere, like a surprise assembly at school which allows you to skip a period or two. Sorry for putting you to sleep, but you know you're welcome to call or text me at any hour of the day for any reason, even if it's just to say, "hi." Surprises are neat, but you're neater.
Since everything always seems to wrap up well at the end of my days, I figure that's how I should end my blog as well. I hope you had a great day today, watching your Lifetime movies and hanging out with your nayburd. I really enjoy seeing you smile, because someone as beautiful as you should never have a reason to frown, no matter what. Should a reason for sadness ever pop up in your life, you should know that you're free to talk to me about anything and everything, although it's my deepest and most secret wish (shh!) that I shouldn't just be the person you come to in times of need, but also your number one reason for smiling.
I really need to get to bed, because it's 2:34 A.M. and I have school in five hours. Luckily for me, my mom let me skip first period, seeing as how it's a minimum day and the day before Thanksgiving. My entire family is getting off work at noon tomorrow, and my sister and I are planning to go to the park to walk the dog. Would you like to come? Hm, maybe I should ask you personally instead of over my stupid blog. Well, you can expect a text tomorrow morning, probably in your first period. Goodnight!
P.S. I'm really excited for Winter Ball.
Friday, November 20, 2009
coolbeans are good for your heart

hello, i hacked! and don't worry, i still come back here everyday, so it's not as lonely as it seems. anyways, i see that picture down there. i'm ugz! (maybe its because im from austrailia..) aha just kidding! i know this picture of me is kinda whack. i don't know what else to say, since i gotta go. meebo's blinking and you're complaining how my story was too short, so i have to tell you a better one.
[22:44] SJ Lazy Boy: Your story was too short!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh, hello Amery Agustin! If you're reading this, that means you've decided to visit my Blogspot again, heh. You know, it's so lonely now that you're on Tumblr, because it seems like nobody ever reads this anymore. Anyways, here's the picture of us that you said you liked and I always told you that I hated it. Well, I decided to post this up, just for the heck of it. Hope you're happy! (:
What's with me and reminiscing these days?
I was looking in my favorites list on Youtube just a few minutes ago (on my very first account, not mkyEND) and I saw that this was the very first video that I ever favorited. It's been awhile! This is obviously from Initial D First Stage, and is one of the most recognized and renowned scenes from the anime.
Quick history lesson: I began watching Initial D when I was in fourth grade, or around 2001 or so. Just for reference, I believe the anime began in 1998 or 1999, so at the time it was still relatively new to the world. I was about nine years old at a time when a friend of mine, who I watched A LOT of anime together with, mentioned the series, and I decided to check it out. Something about it struck a chord, because after the first episode, I was mesmerized and simply had to continue watching.
And so I did. First Stage, Second Stage, Third Stage, more and more. I watched all the Initial D I could get (up until the end of Fourth Stage, the most recent canonical season of the series), and although I can't remember many of the specific details, I can clearly remember the enthusiasm and endless fantasies that the series brought into my mind, and even though I knew very little about cars at the time, the entire concept of an anime series based on the art of touge was enough for me.
Looking back upon this has made me both miss and truly appreciate the childhood I had. Even as a child, I always had a sense of identity. Don't forget that this was in fourth grade; while most of my peers were playing basketball or enjoying their Nintendo 64s or original Playstations, I was rushing home, hopping on the computer, opening up my BitTorrent client, and downloading the next episode of Initial D that I had to watch. Before anybody even knew what Initial D was! Completely uncut and subbed, no Americanized watered-down episodes or ridiculous English dubs and voice-overs, just anime in its purest form, with only the addition of a visual language aid. That was where it was at, at least for my childhood.
I certainly do miss it, but the lack of anything new in the series (other than the manga) has left me with nothing to fill the void, at least for now. At any rate, I'm glad I found this little video, just one of the many mementos I've kept from my childhood and a reminder of the joyous and carefree life I used to live. (It's also validated my knowledge of the show; the song played at the end is Leslie Parrish's Save Me, one of the many gems in a genre of music called Eurobeat that not many have heard of. Ask me anything about the series, and I'll bet I can still give you an answer about it, even 8 years later :D)
Life was good back then, but I'll spare the pessimistic outlook. Just because something was once good doesn't mean it can't still be good (: I think I'm going to start rewatching Initial D, just for the hell of it.
It's way too late, but all this excitement from looking at my past has me way too excited to sleep. All-nighter?! Who knows, but for now, I'm off to reminisce some more. Late!
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh, hello! I hope you all had a pleasant Veteran's Day today. In keeping with the "theme", here's a picture of my Military Blue IVs, which I wore on Saturday to take my SATs. Normally, I would talk about something as influential to my life as the SATs, but in this case, I think it's best that I belay that habit, at least for now..
My day was, to say the least, relaxing, and rather uneventful, at that. Marissa & I headed to Target after school on Tuesday so she could pick up her "feminine" products and then we hopped over to Jamba Juice, where I got a 20% discount on my Strawberries Wild thanks to her boyfriend's football discount card, and L&L, where I decided to order a mini Loco Moco, over easy, after not having been there for probably about...six months or so. I was greeted with even more food when my mom picked me up with a car full of Vietnamese delicacies: flour rolls with pork sausage and shrimp cakes, salmon porridge (congee is the correct term, according to Connie), and a PHAT chunk of chocolate cake!
The remainder of my Tuesday was strictly chill, and although I didn't have a chance to leave the house, I did make the best of my time by completing a full workout cycle for the first time since summer. I fell asleep sitting on the couch, wrapped in my blankie and eating chocolate cake while watching Family Guy, and woke up again at around 3:30 A.M., whereupon I then relocated into my room and knocked the hell out. I woke up this morning, er, afternoon at around 12:30, and did...well, absolutely nothing for the entire day. I did manage to complete another full workout cycle tonight though, as well as my precal homework, on which I accidently completed 30 questions rather than the 20 that were assigned to me. But like they say, practice makes perfect!
Speaking of practice, my Winterfest audition is in less than a week, and I still have absolutely no idea what I'm going to perform yet, but I definitely want to do something that's going to get the crowd on their feet. After all, it is my last year of high school, and I want to make my mark before I finally leave. The next month or so is going to be complete chaos, without a doubt, especially with so many events coming up: Winterfest auditions, my piano recital, Winter Ball(s?) (eeek.), my actual Winterfest performance, Winterfest, the end of the grading period, and finals, all within the next month and a half or so. I've got a lot on my plate, but luckily, I also have a huge appetite.
As of right now, it's 2:22 A.M., and I really should be sleeping. Oh, I've Got A Feeling just started playing on my iTunes. Random, I know, just thought I'd throw that out there. Hope everyone had a nice break!
You and I, we're not so different after all.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Nothing But the Best
Das mah bruddarmen da dunkjayz. Da mojo be stron wif dis wun monnn, ya rawka goolah shaka zulu mulu frijole MONNNNNN!
Well, all kidding aside, it should be self-explanatory from this picture that I've been pretty darn skippy for the past couple of days, for more reasons than one. So skippy, in fact, that earlier this evening, I brought an entire box of Honey Bunches of Oats into my room and sat in front of my computer munching away to dry cereal while listening to Z-Trip's "Breakfast Club" a dozen and a half times or so. Hey, why be a regular joe when I can be eggtraordinary?!
For those of you who have stayed faithful to Blogspot, don't fret: I'm not leaving. Although I've been quite active on Tumblr lately, nearly all of my posts there are simply reblogs of media content: videos, images, conversations, etcetera. Many, no, most of the things that I post on Tumblr have no real significance to me, at least not when it comes to matters of the soul, and are posted merely for entertainment, not reflection or enlightenment. Blogspot is still my blog of choice when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, expressing my feelings in one of the best ways that I can: through words.
The past two days have given me a chance to unwind after a rather hectic week, highlighted mainly by the fact that I finally have Formspring Fridays up and running, something that I will go into a bit more detail in a future blog post. Aside from that, I've been hard at work on the keys, touching up the pieces I already know and pushing myself to learn the ones that I have yet to master. One audition down, one to go; expect to see me in a few performances from now until the end of the year.
Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that I've made is waiting until my Senior year to take my SATs, and Saturday morning was a real eye-opener for me. With the way that my academic studies have been going lately, any and all UCs have been practically eliminated from my post high-school options, and CSUs are hanging on by a thread. At this rate, I may end up attending a community college for two years, as my brother did twelve years prior, and transfer to a CSU or a UC after I meet the requirements. We'll see what happens, but I seriously need to get my butt in gear.
Of course, what better way to release all the stress and worries of school-life than by hitting up a party? Saturday night marked the first time in a long time that I've attended a "party"; call it what you will, but a rose by any other name smells just as sweet. There's your daily dose of Shakespeare! Anyway, needless to say, I had a blast, and any awkard turtles I had when I first arrived quickly swam off. Although I didn't meet everybody, I did have a chance to get to know quite a few new people, and spend some quality time with some old ones. Thanks for a great night everybody! Hope you all enjoyed the thai tea; sorry there was a bit of a shortage (that's Econ vocabulary, I have an exam tomorrow, er, today..), I'll be sure to make some more next time! I'm thinking of throwing a shindig (that's my personal word of choice for an event such as this) in about two weeks, but nothing is concrete yet. More details will arise and the date draws closer!
Why the hell am I still up at 2:18 A.M.? You tell me, although my forgetting to finish my study questions definitely attributed to this unhealthy sleeping pattern. Oh, Oedipus, how I loathe thee. I am done for today. Goodnight everyone!
By the way, I never got a chance to thank you for coming after me when I walked out. I don't know what would have happened if I had left alone, but I'm glad I don't have to think about that now. Thank you.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Cherry Pie

It's true! Everything you do, from the way you move and walk and talk to the way you tell me to shut up and tell me bedtime stories, you're just one big(little) bundle of..
Oh, hello! I didn't realize that I was thinking out loud, there. Well, I hope you guys enjoy my ugly mug up there ^, because I normally don't post pictures of myself that often. That is, if anyone is still out there. It looks like I'm one of the few people left who actually actively post on Blogspot. Hooray for BS!
My weekend was terrible and Halloween wasn't blog-worth this year, although there's always a few sunspots, even on the darkest days. Good laughs and good times, everything is all good in this hood! Happy November to everyone. It's beanie weather! My brother's birthday is in two days, and I still haven't gotten him a card. Here's to hoping this month will be much better than the last.
What's new? Not much, except there's a "new" song on 94.9 right now. I'm thinking of making a Formspring and answering the questions I receive in a weekly vlog format. I even have a name for it already: Formspring Fridays! I'll see, though. Anyways, croissants are janky, and I like axes, and to be axed, oh, and guess what's I found in the pocket of my jeans today? That's right, PENNY! (;
No new song for tonight, I'm tired. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, goodnight!