Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Good morning! Here's a little gift from me to you.
So unfortunately, technology hasn't progressed far enough to allow me to send physical items through computer screens yet, but if it could, this is what you would have in your hands right now. My mom's coworker gave her a $50 gift card to Godiva, so she decided to buy these two boxes of delicious chocolates. These always remind me of you because I think of your dog whenever I see the name.

You're fast asleep now, and I hope you're having cool dreams about cool beans. I still have to tell you the dream that I had earlier today when I napped. I don't remember much anymore, but you were in it, and it was really weird! Well, I guess anything with you in it is really weird. Haha, just kidding. Well, not really, but I don't mind your weirdness. That's what sets you apart! You're not like everybody else in the sense that what goes on in your mind is an enigma that even the most brilliant mathematicians in the world cannot solve, much less a humble servant like myself. I can barely even solve a standard Rubik's Cube!

Hopefully you had fun texting earlier tonight, heh. It's always nice when this occassion pops up out of nowhere, like a surprise assembly at school which allows you to skip a period or two. Sorry for putting you to sleep, but you know you're welcome to call or text me at any hour of the day for any reason, even if it's just to say, "hi." Surprises are neat, but you're neater.

Since everything always seems to wrap up well at the end of my days, I figure that's how I should end my blog as well. I hope you had a great day today, watching your Lifetime movies and hanging out with your nayburd. I really enjoy seeing you smile, because someone as beautiful as you should never have a reason to frown, no matter what. Should a reason for sadness ever pop up in your life, you should know that you're free to talk to me about anything and everything, although it's my deepest and most secret wish (shh!) that I shouldn't just be the person you come to in times of need, but also your number one reason for smiling.

I really need to get to bed, because it's 2:34 A.M. and I have school in five hours. Luckily for me, my mom let me skip first period, seeing as how it's a minimum day and the day before Thanksgiving. My entire family is getting off work at noon tomorrow, and my sister and I are planning to go to the park to walk the dog. Would you like to come? Hm, maybe I should ask you personally instead of over my stupid blog. Well, you can expect a text tomorrow morning, probably in your first period. Goodnight!

P.S. I'm really excited for Winter Ball.

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