Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Loving you is pumpkin pie.

Papas, papas fritas.
2:33 A.M. It feels as if it's been forever since I've last blogged here, even though it was less than a week ago. Times are changing, and it seems as if I never have a moment to sit back and relax anymore, but luckily for me, I don't have much else to do before I head off to bed. I sit here bloated, my back against the cold chair, wondering if you'll wake up anytime soon and going through pictures, which has made me realize that my hair actually was nice on Thanksgiving, and that perhaps I complain too much about things that I shouldn't be worrying about.

There's still a lot on my mind and my chest when it comes to you and I, but for now, I'll hold my tongue. I wonder if I'll ever be given a chance to truly express how I feel, but they say that the greatest joys come in unexpected moments, so I try my best to live my life to the fullest, although without you, the days become darker and the nights colder. But even through the struggles, don't you ever once believe that my faith has waned, because faith is something that I certainly have plenty of.

More and more thoughts begin to fill my mind by the very second, and as of right now, I've begun to wonder how friendships are formed, how they are strengthened, and how they are broken. It seems as if life is an intricate weave, like that of a bracelet, a mutual network of ordinary people bound together by endless webs of emotions and feelings. For the longest time, I've done my best to maintain and strengthen these bonds, but I have also just realized that some of the people who have influenced and inspired me the most in my life are those who aren't around 24/7, each step of the way. Although I have no idea of how I can properly repay these people, rest assured that I am thankful.

Thanksgiving seems to have come late for me this year, but like I like to say, "better late than never." I've always been somewhat of a late bloomer in most aspects of life, everything from learning social graces to developing a "manly" physique, something which many would say that I lack. And as true as that may be, I really have no right to complain. I may not be the tallest, the strongest, the most handsome, the biggest, or the baddest, but hey; for a 5 foot 5, 140 pound guy, I've sure got a lot of heart, and that's something that they'll never take away from me.

They say that Winter is a time for death and rebirth. Checking the time, it's been about 14 minutes since I began writing this blog entry, much shorter than I normally would have taken. Maybe I have nothing interesting to blog about, or perhaps I have nobody to blog for anymore, but just as it was last year, life will surely bloom soon, and when it does, I know that it'll be more vivid and abundant than I've ever imagined. For now, though, all I can do is hang in there. But I'll make it. I'm strong. I know I can. I know I will.


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