Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Say hello to my dinner from earlier today!
There are so many people posting comments on the video of myself ordering a McGangBang, complaining that it's not a "true" McGangBang. Yes, I know! I ordered it correctly, they just didn't assemble it properly. Nonetheless, it was a good burger, but since then I've grown weary of giving it another try, so these days, I just order one double cheeseburger and one McChicken and make the damn thing myself. Looks pretty good, doesn't it?

Today was a so-so day, or should I say "MLIA"? I'm seriously getting sick of these internet fads. They're fun to play around with if you're bored and can be useful for certain things, but they've also spawned a generation of mindless degenerates concerned only with the impression they leave on others and how many more asinine methods of self-satisfying they can thrive on before they need to find something else. Take a step outside for a change, take on a new challenge, take time to listen, take a chance for once and learn to live before you kill your own soul.

Anyways, I've decided to start my workout routine earlier than usual today so I can wash up for bed and hopefully get a proper night's sleep, but I just needed to say:

I miss you badly,
I miss you daily,
I miss you baby,
I miss you crazy.

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