Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh, pretty baby,

Homework on the second day of school? For a senior?!

Well, school this year seems to be pretty chill. I never really understood why Silver Creek always starts on a Tuesday rather than a Monday, but hey, I'm not complaining. I took the extra day off to visit Amery since she had school, and since she's always vandalizing my blogspot and twitter. Hope you enjoyed seeing my ugly face again!

So what's new this year? It seems like the entire school is overrun by freshmen. Seriously! They're everywhere, and it's starting to get on my nerves. It also seems that people are starting to follow the hype; tell me why I went an entire summer without seeing a single person with my hairdo, yet on the first day of school it seems like every other person has the same cut I do?

On the bright side, my classes are decent. Let's see...well, after two days of school, I've concluded that Mrs. Walia is either mental or on drugs, or perhaps all of the above. Math Analysis is pretty punny ("Hallo, I am Mr. Pun and I tawk ly dees"), and I have Meggie in my class again. Can you say "free rides home"?! Just kidding, but I'm definitely not kidding when I say that I have Mrs. Williams for third period again; this time it's Psychology, and it's shaping up to be even more boring than U.S. History was last year. My Econ teacher Mr. Murphy reminds me of a dog, and I don't quite know why, but he's a chill guy. Bonus points in my book for trying to be hip with his "flip-flop fo-sho"s. Spanish is my favorite class again this year, as always. There's only about 20 people in Spanish 4 and I know almost everyone in the class. Mrs. Ayala is teaching it this year, but we set up our little "Amstrup Corner", where Connie and Randell always commit epic fails, ha. I have sixth period Piano, which is incredibly boring and sleep-inducing for me considering the material we're covering is way too basic for me and for the fact that it's right after lunch. I don't need to practice my C Major scales, can I play something in A flat?!

Seems like a lot of people are driving now, so I've had Wendy's afterschool for the past two days. Look what you've done to me! I haven't had a chance to properly work out for the past week or so, which is longer than you'd think when it comes to fitness, but hopefully I'll be able to start again tomorrow, assuming I don't fall asleep on the couch watching TV again.

I should really be sleeping right now, as I'm taking school pictures tomorrow morning. White or black v-neck?! I'll decide in the morning. Goodnight!

P.S. As much as I dislike it, I can deal with it. Trust me! (:

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