Sunday, October 11, 2009


So Kelli called me Mikeysaurus on Friday (I think) and it reminded me of this picture. Except the "I Love You" part, because I secretly hate her guts and have dreams about her getting into car crashes. No, just kidding.

If you haven't seen Paranormal Activity: It did NOT live up to the hype. Okay, I'll admit, it was pretty scary and had me covering my eyes most of the time, but for a movie that everyone is talking about and waiting in two-hour lines at midnight to go see, it could have been a lot better. I'm still creeped out by it, though.

Anyways. "What the heck would Europeans do with silk?" "They could make silk thongs...which are very sexy." My friends are random as fuck. Matt's new system bumps like a motha- , and there are way too many boppers and hypebeasts at Mercado.

ANYWAYS. Oops, I already started my previous paragraph with that. ANYWAYS, my parents are watching a movie now, and I think I hear the little Disney logo theme, so OFF I GO!

P.S. Yes, as much of a bitch move as that was for me to do that, I still love you. Hope you know.

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