Friday, October 9, 2009

Throw Some ____

I don't see why you get mad over the stupidest shit ever, seriously, because at least I had the decency to ask you about it rather than just assuming everything I heard is true. And I also fail to see why you always drag your friends into it; they were your friends first, they have no reason to hate you, so why would they go out of their way to do so? All they were trying to do was to help ME out, so if you see that as "backstabbing", then that's your problem.

But really? So I heard a few words and ask you about it, and you decide to get butthurt. About what? Your "privacy"? The simple fact that you are saying things about me that you don't want me to hear should be enough of a reason for me to see you as a bad friend and leave it at that. The only reason I keep coming back is because I love you and care for you too much to just up and leave like that, and throughout all this shit, who's side did I take? Yours or your friends? Each and every time, the result has been the same. Think about it.

If you really want to know what people think of you, then I'll tell you: They think you're playing me, that you're leading me on, that you're only using me whenever you feel that its convenient and to your benefit to do so. And I don't blame them for thinking that, either; either you love me or you don't, either you want me as more than a friend or you don't, there is no "in-between". Don't keep thinking that you can like me one day and not like me the next day; that's worked for you so far, but the only reason it's worked is because I treat you like a fucking princess. I can never say no to you, no matter how much you've hurt me in the past, but maybe it's time to change that.

You were my fucking best friend for the better half of 2009, and at times, it was evident to BOTH OF US that we both wanted more from each other. You can try to deny it if you want, but your actions were proof of your feelings, feelings which may be long-gone now, but was, without a doubt, there for me at one point. If you want to go back to your private blog, then go ahead. Have your "privacy", something you seem to love SO much that you get butthurt over. But no matter how much you succumb and conform, how much you begin to corrupt and accept, possibly even embrace these values and traits that should not be a part of ANY friendship whatsoever, just remember that I will always be a friend to you, and as true-blue as friends come.

Quite frankly, I don't care who reads this blog, because I have nothing to hide. So, public service announcement: if you want to make assumptions based on what you read and infer from our blogs, then go ahead. If you want to hear my side of the story, feel free to ask. The choice is yours.

Here is my life on display. Not for sale, please don't touch, thank you and have a nice day.

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